16th InfoCom World
Techonomy: Time for Synergies!
The 16th InfoCom World titled «Techonomy: Time for Synergies!» will take place on October 21, 2014 at Divani Caravel Hotel. This year’s conference takes place in a period when special emphasis is given to technology, business strategies and synergies that are now unanimously recognized as a driver for growth.
InfoCom World Congress is the largest event on digital technologies in SE Europe, attracting more than 3,500 delegates per year. It successfully records and captures for many years to run the course taken and convergence happening in Technology, Informatics, Telecommunications & Media sectors.
This year, it will offer to delegates and speakers alike the opportunity to engage in an interactive dialogue regarding the future of those markets, with “techno-economy “ being the common denominator, that essentially makes synergies obligatory in all these areas. Yet, what are the best possible synergies? What are the win-win approaches, the opportunities and the problems that may come forward? In what way different people, enterprises, cultures and technologies may “co-operate” in the most productive manner?
Unfortunately, these are real and not rhetoric questions, as Europe -which used to be in the vanguard of telecommunications technology for years, having invented GSM- is now losing ground to its main competitors: American companies are leading both in research and sales and the European ones –due to wrong decisions taken on the regulatory and legal framework- risk losing even the second place, as Asians are coming on strong, focusing in 5G technology.
The global recession has played a catalytic role in recent years, accelerating synergies all over the entire spectrum of tech implementations to say the least … Via synergies, technological ecosystems interact with each other, producing mid products, new needs and even new ecosystems. Techonomy is here to stay! Especially in the Greek economic environment, synergies are a must, as it is the only way that might eventually, after painstaking efforts, lead us, once again, to a period of growth.
Analysis of all these factors and the presentation of new perspectives, as a result of synergies in every area, is the subject of the 16th InfoCom World Congress, which will be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at Divani Caravel Hotel, having the following main sessions:
Performers & Transformers | Session Sponsored By | ![]() |
Performers and Transformers exist in every market, in reference to the production process and utilization of new technologies. Performers are all those who know well enough how to bring technologies to the consumer level, creating needs and helping achieve a critical mass. Transformers are those who transform technologies into new applications by integrating existing or new technological elements.
These roles are not always stable and distinct – they are rather dictated by the necessities and the timing for each idea, technology and implementation. In this session, we will demonstrate the interaction of those two components, through the tech innovation and the commercial thinking as well as their impact on the market.
Enterprise Solutions and Business Revolution | Session Sponsored By | ![]() |
Telecommunications and Informatics are regarded nowadays as the cornerstones of every enterprise, regardless of the field in which they are in, their operational functions, their production processes and resource management, their products advertising and marketing.
ICT providers will be the protagonists of this session that covers the creation of the programming environment, the operating platform and the User Interface, to the point of final micro adjustment to specific customer needs. The goal is to present the latest trends in CRM, ERP, Enterprise Mobility and communication tools. Most solutions are now hosted on cloud, freeing businesses from the burden of heavy CapEx costs. The most serious challenge is the achievement of systems interoperability, so that enterprises may manage their operations in real time, while keeping the ability to adapt and evolve intact.
Digital Reality: Mind the Gap! | Session Sponsored By | ![]() |
Despite the enthusiastic reception and adoption of ICT by the whole spectrum of businesses, there is still a disconnection between the real economy and the produced added value. This may be due to the burden of new businesses with disproportionate obligations, because of the difficulty of securing enough funding, or simply because of Greece’s still immature business environment. In this session we will study the digital reality in depth and look for best practices that may lead to success.
CEO Summit: Keep Calm and Converge! | Session Sponsored By | ![]() |
In the final session, Telecommunications & Informatics market executives will express their views and describe their stands on the business environment, in which the convergence of similar but often disparate components generates brand new opportunities, products and perspectives!
What are the options that the market leaders have? What are the challenges, choices and dilemmas they face?
Business leaders from the sectors of Telecommunications, Informatics and Media discuss the latest developments and the new landscape that’s being shaped in the market.
Parallel Sessions
Omni TV: TV and Internet – Lights, Camera, Inter-Action!
What is the future of TV? What are the problems and the challenges? Are there any opportunities left? At what point Digital TV meets Internet? What will be the outcome of this meeting? What will all that mean for advertisements?
Change Makers: Innovation is the key
Greece of bright ideas and creative entrepreneurship that tries hard, innovates and fights back against crisis, is at its best at the Startup and Innovation Summit. Young people are looking for solutions, networking and funding, in order to make their tech dreams come true…
The Mobile, Cloud and Social Company
What are the survival “tools” and the accelerators for the Greek companies? What do they offer? What is the best way to use them? Where are the best practices, the case studies and the success stories?
Parallel Actions
During the 16th Infocom World Congress, there will be an exhibition of Digital Technology as well as an infocom.forum, which will bring together the attendees of the Congress and the companies taking part in it. New tools, new ways of approach and new processes will be exploited as lead generators.
Infocom Academy
The attendees of Infocom World may also take part to a bevy of exceptional workshops that will run in parallel with the main Congress. Renowned instructors and speakers will help them widen and enrich their knowledge on strategy issues, recent developments, new products and technologies presented during this Congress.