Digital Economy: The Highway of NGN!
November 2, 2016 | Divani Caravel Hotel
The biggest ICT & Media Conference in SE Europe, widely regarded as the major annual meeting of all the digital market stakeholders, as well as all those using specialized tools and services in order to implement Digital Transformation, is not far away. It is quite clear that time has come for the real economy to take the reins of growth!
The market has entered a restructure era on its technological, investment and strategic orientation; there is no doubt that “digital bridges” are the only way-out towards new economy, the exit of the country from the fringe and the reclamation of lost competitiveness. The 18th InfoCom World, under the motto Digital Economy: The Highway of NGN, opens a most dynamic way to development!
Information & Communication Technologies are the main components of infrastructure, services, products and content and you can hardly find anyone in the civilized world which would consider digitization and connectivity as an unnecessary luxury…
Economy is nowadays fully digital and interconnected, which is a great opportunity –as well as dire need– for small countries like Greece, because if we lose our pace towards New Generation Services, retreat and isolation will be inevitable.
Who are taking part?
The enterprise community, high-ranking executives in the fields of Telecommunications, Informatics and Media, CEOs, CIOs and IT Directors, Operation Managers, Data Center & Cloud Experts, Network Engineers, IT Strategists & Solution Architects, Manufacturers and Suppliers of Tech Equipment and Consumer Electronics, all of them are taking part in the upcoming InfoCom World Conference.
Yet, this conference should be of interest to many more fields, because ICT is directly or indirectly connected to every market. That means it may also be of interest to System Integrators, Service Providers, Chief Financial Officers, Developers, IT Security Officers, IT Auditors, Telecommunications & Informatics Engineers, Consultants, Data Analysts, Sales, Advertisement & Marketing Executives, HR & PR executives, legal advisors etc.
What we’ll talk about?
It is a common belief now that New Generation Networks & Services has the full potential to change our lives, entrepreneurship and the whole world. The main motto of the Conference, Digital Economy: The Highway of NGN, expresses in the best possible way what will be the next day in this market.
The key word is speed – for that reason, the title of the first session is «NGN – Full Speed Ahead». Yet, what are we asking for, when we talk about speed? Just a few hundreds of Mbps or a few Gbps? Should it be based on copper or fibre? What is the best solution for today and the near future? In this session, all available technologies will be presented along with the institutional and regulatory interventions needed.
Clearly, in order for all that to succeed, investment is essential and that is the reason why the title of the second session of the Conference is «Digital Economy: Investing in Opportunities». Challenges, opportunities and innovations will be presented here, as we try to answer some basic questions: What are the ever increasing demands for the distribution of modern multimedia content? What are the products and services that will change the form not only of ICT, but every other market as well? In what way the need for Data-Driven enterprises is being shaped? How this may affect efficiency, competitiveness and modern entrepreneurship?
The third session focuses on the executives which are called to implement the New Generation Networks revolution. Greek managers are famous for their efficiency and high performance standards, when working either locally or abroad. Which absolutely justifies the title «Digital Greece Worldwide: Α High Tech Society!» In this session, distinguished Greek managers that live and work abroad will offer an insight to the markets and special conditions in the countries where they are active.
The same session also includes lengthy references to the increasing demand for e-skills and the educational initiatives and programs that aspire to fulfil market’s needs with the most suitable human resources.
Finally, during the last session, the traditional «Leaders Summit» -this year under the title «New Generation Investments»- the leaders of the Greek ICT market will talk about the evolution of technology and the new, more demanding needs, requirements for new investments, collaboration schemes and synergies, co-exploitation and different distribution models which change the way to contact the final user. Institutional and regulatory interventions will also be examined, along with their footprint in the real economy.
Parallel activities
The plenary of this Conference will be complemented with a variety of parallel (special sessions, workshops etc) activities. In the Digital Lab under the title of «Digital Transformation», the participants will talk about the need for the digital transformation of enterprises, describing the opportunities, challenges and implementations available in every market segment, while special guests will offer their advice and know-how on Enterprise Mobility, Cloud Computing, Applications, Security, Data Privacy, Payments, IP Telephony, Connectivity, IoT, etc.
The aspiration of InfoCom World 2016 organizers is to bring into prominence the dynamics, the vibes and the energy embedded in the most important sector of Greek economy. Their goal is not only to demonstrate that the exit from the crisis is digital, but also seek ways to implement Digital Transformation and Creative Growth.